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Fayetteville State University: Bronco STAR

Mission Statement

The Bronco STAR program at Fayetteville State University is an academic support program designed to assist students with Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Executive Functioning Challenges, and other learning differences. Our goal is to work towards increasing access and decreasing barriers to a college degree for students who learn differently.

Program Description

Program Overview

Bronco STAR is a student support program designed to assist students with Executive Functioning Challenges (EFC) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Executive Function refers to a group of skills that helps us prepare to learn, including the ability to plan, focus, make decisions, self-monitor, and adjust what we are doing as we go, and ADD/ADHD also affect ability to focus attention, stay on task until a job is done, and sometimes control impulsiveness. Bronco STAR offers a comprehensive package of services designed to assist these students in getting their college degree by maximizing learning opportunities and minimizing unnecessary barriers. STAR participants do not have to have a diagnosis or previous IEP, but they do have to be admitted to FSU through the regular admissions process. 

Description of Services

Bronco STAR provides several services to assist students with LD persist and graduate. Some of these services include: academic coaching, career advising, assistive technology, academic support programs, peer tutoring, peer mentoring, social functions, a space for studying, mindfulness, and faculty development in UDL. 

Application Process


Target Population

  • Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)
  • Executive Functioning Challenges

Program at a glance

How many students are enrolled in this program? 25-49

What are the annual costs for a student to attend this program? $0

Is this program public? Yes

Is this program fee-based? No

how large is the instition associated with this program? 0-999

What type of institution is associated with this program? University